May 6, 2014

Life Change to Thrifter Flame

I've been offline for a while, and there's a good reason for it. Since August I've gotten engaged, planned and implemented a large-scale celebration with food, alcohol, decorations, photography, favors (also known as a money pit [American terminology: wedding]), gone on a honeymoon, and moved to Virginia. Right now I'm on a journey of becoming acclimated with the area, meeting people who may become my friends, and trying to show potential employers that I am a seasoned and skilled professional over a large pool of other people, using only a couple pieces of paper. So, why did I turn back here?

  • A couple days ago I attended a yard sale and bought a beautifully hand-made wall hanging that retails for $80 for just $2. It's scores like these that ignite my thrifter flame. Yes, it's a flame.
  • Yesterday, I took my new-to-me car to the dealership for a minor issue. The gentlemen behind the counter first flirted, then buttered up, third attempted to sell me a pricey service plan. Why do I need a service plan when I have a full-fledged warranty? I don't, and it straight up pissed me off.
  • Today I woke up and read an article in Real Simple magazine on tactics for hosting a decent yard sale: how to draw in spectators and manipulate them with small talk so they a) buy things and b)do not haggle or low-ball your prices. Side note: Maybe these people deserve to be manipulated anyway? I mean a yard sale? There's not respect in that. You're already at a YARD SALE. Honestly, you're just cheap.
  • Today, I bought a Groupon for a local restaurant I've been wanting to check out. $30 for $60 in food with a $10 discount bringing the grand damn total to $20. I haven't Grouponed in a while, but they are perfect for exploring a new town OR rediscovering your current town. 

Yes, you could say all of this has led me here, back to this place. Something close to my heart. And maybe I've felt ashamed to show my face because, as you can imagine, I've spent a good deal of cash in the last 6 months with my life changes, following American culture and all. But, I did make cuts when I could, but this - here- is still apart of me. And there is no separation.
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