Jul 26, 2010

Movie Theater Popcorn vs Me
Popcorn = Victor

Today I did what no thrifter should do: I bought movie theater popcorn. I sat in the theater awaiting the much talked about movie Inception, with Reeses Pieces and water bottle packed neatly in purse, when smells of sweet, buttery popcorn rose to my nostrils. All these kids sat in the row in front of us (not allowing me to put my feet up); they ALL fell prey to the theater's overpriced popcorn. I can't blame them, they're just kids!

I had only minutes before the movie was set to start and my mind whirled with arguments of pleasure v. inner sense of price rationality. But, I was no match for the popcorn's striking allurement. I fell captive.

The damage: I payed $4.75 for a small popcorn with lots of extra pumps of butter nestled inside (clearly this isn't a weight loss blog). Hint: you can usually sneak out during the movie and ask for extra pumps and they won't charge you at all for them. Unfortunately, I couldn't even do that because with this movie I felt like I miss something super integral, so I stayed. Bahhh!!! So who I am to be giving advice at this stage of the game?!?!

Today, I confess, I am a out of control spending hypocrite! But buttery, delicious movie theater popcorn, I promise you this: We will meet again.
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