Recently I read a section of the book that discusses the idea of allowing yourself to delight in little things and ordinary occurrences instead of items of luxury, like ipods, laptops, coffeemakers or whatever item you have your eye on in the stores. How do we do this? Well, we can start by noticing things around us that make us happy and to appreciate what we already have. The book recommends making a list of things in your own life. Okay, I'll go first.
Things I appreciate/enjoy about everyday life:
- cookie dough ice cream (I'm eating some right now and it is fab)
- my cozy apartment and wonderful roommate who puts up with me
- organization
- the ability to write creatively
- the opportunity to learn about different people and different cultures
Now, make your list: What can you find appreciation/contentment with in your everyday life? Try to notice and appreciate those things this week. Practice being content with what you have and what you've got going on right now.